Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 14)

Seeing as performance has been on my mind recently, I tweaked the core render loop a bit and saw some reasonable gains. The one thing I realized is that most of the objects in the scene are static, and don’t need their combined transformed matrices recalculated every frame. I expected to see wild improvements after caching the values. What I received was a decent

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 13)

I don’t have much time, so I will be brief. Basically for the past few days I have been trying to optimize the engine. With the stress test you see above (around 13K cubes) I was only getting around 200 fps. Just slightly above my target of 120 fps, and with such a simple scene I was expecting more. So I got to

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 12)

  Today I have gotten the camera system to a decent place, and made a simple free look demo. Most of the code had already been implemented, inside the vector and matrix classes, I just had to piece it together into a camera object. I also added a grid of cubes, to better see the camera working. Sadly these extra 200 cubes slowed

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 11)

Though the above video might not seem like an overly impressive jump from the last, there’s actually a ton of work behind it. The new additions include a node-based scene graph hierarchy, more robust math libraries, and keyboard control using DirectInput. Plus, I’ve tried to abstract as much as I can into modular classes and remove the hard-coded hacks I had in there. Finally I

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 10)

  The demo is starting to shape up now, with texture mapping and some simple lighting (ambient and directional). To be fair, I’m not sure if I would really call this an “engine” quite yet. It’s still very much a bare-bones, hard-coded demo done in DirectX 11. But once I can get the features working, then I can properly abstract and generalize the

Review: Game Engine Gems 1 By Eric Lengyel

Game Engine Gems 1 By Eric Lengyel is a book I discovered on Amazon, but really hadn’t heard of or seen talked about anywhere else. I do recognize the editor, Eric Lengyel, as the creator of the C4 Engine and author of the classic textbook Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics. So I was going in with high hopes. The book is a

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 9)

  Today I have finally gotten a simple sort of animation working. It looks easy, but I made my life a lot harder by implementing by own math library. So far I have a Vector3D and a Matrix4x4 class almost finished. Well the Vector class is pretty much done. The Matrix class still needs some fleshing out, but I got it working well

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 8)

So I buckled down and spent the better half of the day actually getting something to show on the screen. Yes, it’s still just a triangle, but it feels pretty satisfying after struggling to get it to work all morning. While there are tons of triangle tutorials online, and it would seem like a 20 minute hack, I ended up having some difficulty for

Review: Beginning DirectX 11 Game Programming by Allen Sherrod

Beginning DirectX 11 Game Programming by Allen Sherrod is, what I’d consider, a great introduction into DirectX programming. Just to be clear, it’s really only an overview of the DirectX APIs (Direct3D, DirectInput, etc.) and not really a graphics or game programming book (despite the title). So there is very little in the way of actual gameplay type programming, as you never really

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 7)

I know it has been quite some time since the last update, and I thought I would be much further by now. Truth be told, I have been a little distracted the last few months with things totally tangential to graphics programming. In any case, I’ve had some motivation recently to continue on the 3D game engine and began doing further research and