Review: OGRE 3D 1.7 Application Development Cookbook

OGRE 3D 1.7 Application Development Cookbook by Ilya Grinblat & Alex Peterson was, I guess, what it advertised itself as; a quick cookbook of recipes using OGRE. What is was not was a good inspection of the OGRE engine itself. Really what the book amounted to was a series of short chapters, each tackling a specific programming problem. While there is nothing wrong with

Review: Game Engine Design and Implementation by Alan Thorn

Alan Thorn’s Game Engine Design and Implementation was quite an interesting read. Overall I thought it was good, but the book struggles at times to find it’s audience. On one hand, it covers a lot of great topics and there are some good code snippets to be found. On the other hand, it seems to jump around between APIs and frameworks and never really

Review: More Effective C++

I decided to break from my 3D game engine book marathon and go to something more fundamental. More Effective C++ by Scott Meyers is one of those books I have  had on my wishlist for years but just hadn’t got around to reading yet.  I had read the original book  Effective C++ some years ago, and this sequel very much follows the same form. Though