Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 4)

So now we should have a good idea of why you’d want to create a 3D engine, and what kind of components make up the engine. Up next we will look at some of the tools and APIs necessary to actually compose the software. Keep in mind that

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 3)

Last time I recommended some good books for engine creation. Today I will talk a little bit more about what an engine actually is, since it’s rather silly to try to create something that is undefined. What I am defining a 3D game engine as is “a framework

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 2)

With the first part of this series I have listed a few motivating reasons for developing a 3D game engine in the first place. In this next part I will go deeper into some of the research I have been doing for amassing the skills I feel are

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 1)

This is the first part in, what I hope to be, a long running series of articles about creating a 3D game engine. Just to be completely honest, I have never created a 3D engine before. Granted, I have worked on many games but usually in the casual