Screen Space Indirect Lighting with Visibility Bitmask: Improvement to GTAO/SSAO Real-Time Ambient Occlusion Algorithm (GLSL Shader Implementation)

Been researching real-time indirect lighting and global illumination techniques recently, and was most interested in simpler methods that did not require extensive pre-computation steps. Evaluating indirect light in screen space is an obvious choice here, since it can be fully dynamic, and the performance cost is essentially fixed (for a given resolution or sample count) so can be more easily scaled to varying

Degine: 60FPS on $99 Kindle Fire

I spent the last two days adding GPU compressed texture support to Degine, my custom OpenGL / WebGL 3D engine. I tried a few formats, but ended up going with ASTC, since it was the only one that appears to be supported on both desktop and web. While it’s not a massive difference, it was enough to get the Amazon Kindle Fire HD

Review: Build your own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games: Using HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL by Kelvin Sung, Jebediah Pavleas, Fernando Arnez, Jason Pace

Build your own 2D Game Engine is a pretty straight-forward book for what can usually be a fairly complex topic. Out of the game engine books I’ve read (mostly for 3D) this is one of the more approachable of the bunch, while still showing the details necessary. Thankfully, the authors here stick mostly to the standard API, and show real HTML5, Javascript, and

Review: Game Engine Gems 2 by Eric Lengyel

Game Engine Gems 2 is the second book in a series from editor Eric Lengyel, one of the premiere game engine developers in the scene. I read the first book and I will say this second volume is even better in my opinion. There are a vast number of topics covered, and I found the depth in most of them to be thorough,

Review: Learning C++ by Creating Games with UE4 by William Sherif

Right here is a book with a clearly defined goal and an excellent execution. Learning C++ by Creating Games with UE4 by William Sherif takes you on a journey from being a total blank in C++ to coding some basic features of a 3D game. Even though I have been coding in C++ for years, I still enjoy reading novice level texts as sometimes

Making Pong in Unreal Engine 4 (My Very First UE4 Game!)

Today I’d like to unveil what I’ve been working on for about 2 weeks: Pong in Unreal Engine 4. Most of that time was spent reading documentation and watching tutorial videos just to figure out the basics. There is actually a *lot* of good material out there for Unreal Engine 4, the docs have been helpful and there are plenty of videos. Disappointingly,

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 25)

So it comes with great reluctance but I think I will have to suspend development on my 3D game engine, at least for the near future. Surely this will be a disappointment to anyone following the progress and I did not make the decision lightly. After spending some time thinking about it, I think it’s the right move. It’s just really hard to justify the