Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 24)

  It’s been some time since the last 3D engine update, but I’m still sticking with it. Currently I am working on getting a physics engine implemented. The video you see above is the first glimpse of this custom physics engine. Obviously it’s ultra basic right now, but

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 23)

While I implemented frustum culling a little while ago, I never actually coded a proper bounding volume. For the  bounding test I was using a sphere, but I just set the radius to some hard-coded value. This was fine when I just had a bunch of similar sized

Creating a 3D Game Engine (Part 22)

After struggling for a bit with the shadow mapping implementation, I finally have something presentable. I followed a tutorial from Microsoft and thought I understood what was happening. However, it required a lot of changes in the rendering code and it took a little while to get things