Rendepth Update, Blog Dark Mode

Rebooted work on Rendepth, my stereo 3D media player. Decided to go with SDL3 as the base, as it has a new cross-platform renderer (Vulkan, Metal, DirectX12), which will make things a bit easier. Needed something lightweight, so felt that starting from scratch rather than repurposing Degine code

Glasses-Free 3D on iPhone!?! For Real.

Recently I modded my iPhone 15 Pro for glasses-free 3D, though haven’t had the chance to write a proper review. Surprisingly, I was able to buy what essentially looks like a screen-protector from overseas and slap it on the iPhone and it’s 3D. No joke. This does not

Concept for Debut Game from Outmode

So I decided to throw together some concept art for an idea I’ve had for a bit. Put this together with Midjourney, and it actually came out pretty close to what I had in my mind (well, much better). Was planning on publishing a smaller game with my

New Year, New Avatar

Decided to make a new profile pic for my social networks. Still the same character, but with an anime AI glow-up. This was a celebration of hitting 4,000 follows on Twitter. The image was created originally by rendering in real-time and then feeding that into the AI. I

Degine: Early Editor Progress

Quick update on Degine, my in-house OpenGL engine. Most of the shaders were finished a few months ago, though I’ve been working on various optimizations behind the scenes. Performance is quite stable, at least on high-end desktop, right now (watch the embedded video). Still needs some work on

Degine: Forward+ HDR PBR IBL Render Improvements

In the past week I’ve made some major breakthroughs with the performance on Degine, my custom OpenGL / WebGL 3D engine. Did a lot of reading on performance and optimization guides, like on the ARM and Nvidia websites, specifically for OpenGL ES3 performance on mobile. Also integrated a