Screen Space Indirect Lighting with Visibility Bitmask: Improvement to GTAO/SSAO Real-Time Ambient Occlusion Algorithm (GLSL Shader Implementation)

Been researching real-time indirect lighting and global illumination techniques recently, and was most interested in simpler methods that did not require extensive pre-computation steps. Evaluating indirect light in screen space is an obvious choice here, since it can be fully dynamic, and the performance cost is essentially fixed (for a given resolution or sample count) so can be more easily scaled to varying

Concept for Debut Game from Outmode

So I decided to throw together some concept art for an idea I’ve had for a bit. Put this together with Midjourney, and it actually came out pretty close to what I had in my mind (well, much better). Was planning on publishing a smaller game with my engine, Degine, within the next few months. Timeline is tight, but I think I need

Review: Indie Games: From Dream to Delivery by Don L. Daglow

This book is gold! I can’t convey how much vital information is contained in these pages. Daglow delves into just about everything you need to pick the game you want to make, start an indie company, and get to release. Though not exactly a legal text, it does help show the importance of having a lawyer, and also what kind of pitfalls to

Review: Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nystrom

I will start by saying this book is game programming GOLD! Whether you are a pro or a novice looking to learn, this book deserves to place on your shelf (or I guess in memory if you buy the e-book). While some of the chapters may seem like obvious things for people that have programmed games before, I think even advanced coders will discover

Review: Game Coding Complete

Finally, I’ve got around to reading (and finishing) Game Coding Complete, and it’s up there on the list of great game development resources. I’d been meaning to read this book for quite some time, but got distracted with DirectX and Windows hooking for use with my 3D driver. Now that I’m back on the 3D engine kick, it seems like a good time