Space Mouse Support in Godot

I’m currently working on a plug-in for the Godot Engine that enables support for 3Dconnexion 6DOF controllers like the Space Navigator. If you are not aware, this is a little puck, sort of like a huge analog stick, except that it works on 6 degrees of freedom. Meaning

Godot Engine on Steam Deck

So I finally got my Valve Steam Deck today, and the first thing I had to try was Decay. This is my cyberpunk real time music video, which I made in the Godot Engine. I’m happy to report that it runs perfectly at default Quality settings, 1280×800, with


Real time photogrammetry demo for mobile, made with Godot Engine. Uses 3D scans of actual people and objects for the most realistic graphics. Lighting is done with high quality baked lightmaps. Designed to run on mobile devices, and allows you to rotate the camera and look at the

Love the Algorithm

The world is changing. Changing rapidly. The level of technology from 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago, is far in the past. It seems strange, because walking outside or sitting in your room doesn’t look materially different. But it is. We live in the future, and

The Matrix is real, but it’s not what you think…

This book is going to be hard to understand, and even harder to accept, but keep reading. We’re all living in a simulation. The physical world is an illusion, and time doesn’t exist. Don’t worry, I’ll explain. Reality itself is entirely subjective, almost like a dream we are

The World is Binary: Why Love is the Answer

So much of life is defined by binary concepts. Religion speaks of good and evil. Science explores truth and falsehood. Computers are denoted by 1’s and 0’s. We can see it everywhere, and it affects everything. This book explores the idea that these divisions may not be as

Aniela: a lighting study

Aniela, a lighting study made in Godot Engine 4.0. Features a cinematic camera and can be watched as a real time music video, a 3D graphics benchmark, or control the camera and fly around the environment. Uses real time global illumination in Godot 4.0 to achieve realistic lighting

Ella: a study in realism

Ella, a study in realism made in Godot Engine. Features a cinematic camera and can be watched as a real time music video, a 3D graphics benchmark, or control the camera and fly around the environment. Uses global illumination in Godot to achieve realistic lighting, all in real

Decay: a real time interactive experience

Decay, a real time interactive experience made in Godot Engine. Features a cinematic camera and can be watched as a real time music video, a 3D graphics benchmark, or control the camera and fly around the environment. Press Escape to view the options. Space to toggle cinematic camera