Yet Another VR Treadmill on Kickstarter
There is now another omni-directional treadmill project on Kickstarter, this one called the Wizdish. It’s a passive design, similar to the Omni, however it does not allow the user to lift their feet. It works by wearing special shoes with low-friction tiles on the bottom. This allows you to slide your feet back-and-forth easily without the need to pick up your feet.
I actually got to try a prototype of this device, and it was certainly interesting. It did not blow me away, but seemed intriguing enough for me to want to get in on the Kickstarter. And this isn’t even that only other ODT coming out soon. There are at least two other projects in the works, this is turning into a highly competitive space. Looks like the Wizdish is still pretty far from it’s goal, with 28 days left, so jump in the Kickstarter now if you’re interested.